Only last year, in 2018, The CAUCASUS MATHEMATICS CENTRE (CMC) was successfully implemented. CMC is in other words a portal into the world of 21ST century science and advanced technology right here in Maykop. As a student of Mathematics and IT Department with CMC's backing you will:

Yes, you can believe your eyes – you'll have teachers from Moscow right here in Maykop, from two pivotal Russian Universities, no less (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and Higher School of Economics) who will provide half of your instruction in person.
You will learn from the best!
Our top students will have a chance at internship in major Russian research centres. Or get a job in one of the leading tech companies in the country.
You can get your Masters' Degree at our partner- Universities, e.g. MIPT or try your luck with other top-notch Russian educational centres. We promise our support every step of the way.
Suitable accommodations will be provided for out-of-town students, if needed.
CMC is a unique, one-of-a-kind educational establishment, or, rather one of six, to be exact, if we are to take our country's whole territory into consideration.
It's like having a personal portal within University walls, a portal with immediate access to the top Universities in the country.

Every week a group of teachers travels through the portal – all the way from best Moscow Universities – (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Higher School of Economics) -gives you half of your lessons and goes back the same way.

If you apply yourself with sufficient diligence by the end of your studies, you may well find yourself travelling through the portal to either study at a top-rank research centre or work in one of the leading tech companies in the industry.

How is that possible?

In 2017 our country's Ministry of Education and Science chose 6 top-performing and dynamic Russian Universities with solid base in Mathematics. Adyghe State University (ASU) was one of them. Since then most prominent Russian universities support ASU not only by providing their teaching staff but by helping to implement up-to-date educational programs as well.
Strictly need-to-know details:
Department courses are open for admittance:
- Mathematics;
- Applied Mathematics;
- Data Security;
- Information Systems Software and Administration;
- Business and IT.
USE subjects to take:
- Mathematics;
- Russian Language;
- IT (for Business and IT applicants – Social Studies).
Passing score and admittance
- Approximately 180 points
- Documents' submission up to July, 26.
The place to live and learn:
ASU address: 208, Pervomayskaya St., Maykop Suitable accommodations will be provided for out-of-town students
You will get your Degree in Mathematics at one of the best Universities in the country. With sufficient diligence on your part outstanding career opportunities will present itself to you.
Michail Kasparyan
...Yandex Public Company Employee

"Department of Mathematics does everything to prepare you for the real life out there. If you are ready to give it your best, the teachers will devote themselves to your cause. At the Universities I studied image processing systems. Several times we participated in various international conferences. My research advisor did everything in his power to make my presentations commendable.

These events made it possible for me to get my Masters Degree at Samara State Aerospace University (National Research University) and complete my thesis cum laude.

Afterwards I joined Innopolis University as chief research specialist developing distributed storage system with support of S3 protocol and cloud platform for GIS data processing for National Technology Initiative Project (NTI "AeroNet"). In summer of 2018 I became Yandex Public Company employee (Yandex.Video Department).
Alexander Zinowjew
... currently 1C Software Developer at Gazprom Automation OAO Company, Moscow, Russia

"I am Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences cum laude graduate ('2015). I received solid and fundamental education in Mathematics and IT, the axis of all my further accumulated knowledge, up-to-date achievements and daily professional environment.

Everything doesn't come down to studies, however. Due to various social activities and events I've sufficiently improved my communicative and problem-solving skills. As far as teamwork goes, these abilities are ranked alongside workmanship expertise.

I got my MA at MIPT (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology), Specialized 1S Department of Innovations and High Tech Solutions Department, cum laude, which enabled me to enter a PhD programme at the Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of RAS where I work as well at the Theory of Scheduling and Discrete Optimization Laboratory.
Natalya Artem'eva
Elite Wedding&Event Group, CEO

Some say that Mathematics is not 'a girl thing'. I don't believe that's true, however. Awesome people I met while studying here are still a part of my life. Causes, effects, connections - I've learned to notice all of these things from my teachers here, at ASU. Every day I use the knowledge I acquired in my professional and personal life. My education easily allowed me to make something of myself, find a job that's perfect for me - for all that I'm grateful to my Department that I love.
Andrey Siunov
... Big Data Developer in Silicon Valley, USA
After graduating from the Republican Scientific-Mathematical School (RSMS) I entered Applied Mathematics Department at the FaMaCoS (ASU).

I greatly enjoyed taking part in Mathematics and Algorithmic Programming Olympiads and contests. Our team made it to the semi-finals of the Programming World Championship ACM ICPC.

This has greatly benefited my professional career. After University graduation I accepted a job offer from the VKontakte team in St.Petersburg. Several months later I got transferred to Canada, where I participated in a number of IT projects and worked in Silicon Valley for a while. Currently I'm an employee of Startup company, we're developing a service platform for Big Data.

I can definitely tell that with due diligence on your part as a student Department of Mathematics (ASU) will provide sufficient knowledge and instruction to ensure successful development and implementation of even the most complex IT projects.
link provided here:
For our undergraduate applicants chief CMC instructors have held a series of vebinars. After watching them you're bound to make the right choice about your professional future.
Or you can enter an internship/MA programme at some of the top-rank Universities in Russia
Perhaps your Masters Degree is waiting for you at MIPT, our partner - University (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology), or take your chances with other Russian universities.
You'll learn from the best and brightest MIPT, ASU and HSE teachers
They are burning with inspiration about this venture and are more than ready to light you up :)
Andrey Raigorodskiy
CMC CEO, Head of the Laboratory of Advanced Combinatorics and Network Applications at MIPT, Head of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Research (Yandex Group), Head of the Department (Section) of Discrete Mathematics at MIPT's Department of Innovation and High Technologies.
Knows all there is to know about 21st century Combinatorics and Graph Theory, will show the ways to solving practical data analysis problems, and tell stories about obvious and hidden ties between Discrete Mathematics and up-to-date IT technologies.

A gifted story-teller, with a 2000 of them under his belt - every single one true-who happens to sing in Russian, English and French.
Alexei Savvateev
CMC Associate Director, Dmitry Pozharsky University Acting Rector, MIPT Full Professor, Senior Researcher at the Russian School of Economics, Senior Fellow at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS.
Game Theory and Econometrics Specialist, popularizer of science. Can successfully explain the intricacies of Mathematics to a four-year-old.

Lectured in over a half of Russian cities, is a fan of adventure tourism.
Daud Mamiy
CMC Associate Director, Acting Rector FSBEI of Higher Education "Adyghe State University" (ASU), RSMS CEO (ASU)
Makes everyone fall in love with Abstract Algebra, invites top-rank researches from Russia and abroad, organizes has a unique and extraordinary approach to teaching.

His name is associated with Russian Olympiad Movement - and with good cause. Actively supervises organization of a multitude of educational project for schoolchildren and students.
You can prepare for participation in international conferences and contests
Try your luck as an international scientific conference speaker
CMC often hosts international scientific conferences with guest participants from Sweden, Belarus, China and other countries. You can also be a part of that.

All you need is to study well enough.
Win your prizes at various international Mathematics and Programming contests
Our students were Izrael International Students Olympiad in Mathematics prize-winners.

Five times they reached Russian semi-finals of AMC International Collegiate Programming Contest (AMC ICPC)
Get the practice you need at major scientific educational centres in Russia
On a regular basis we host Mathematical sessions in Russian Children's Centre "Oryonok" and at the Educational Centre "Sirius" in Sochi, sessions you can either take part in as a participant or apply your diverse organizational talents.
If you'd like to find out whether studying at our Department is what you've been waiting for, we would gladly answer any and all questions you might have.
To top the score our Teaching staff and students' campus are beyond fabulous!

You'll feel right at home. For the Summer Mathematics School they've recorded a uniquely epic rap-battle!
Our students have a fascinating time here at ASU.
You can take your pick from the following courses:
Contrary to what many people think Mathematics course has a much wider scope of application, beyond just teaching. Those who study it specialize in function analysis methods and techniques, process-modelling features in both Business and Economics, spheres of fundamental knowledge that contribute to diverse fields of scientific research.

This is why Mathematics specialists are always highly sought after. Mathematics course graduates have successful careers in Banking Management, major state-funded commercial corporations, scientific and educational centres. These people possess operational mindsets, excellent multi-tasking and problem solving skills – valuable achievements in present competitive business realities. Many employers believe that mathematicians are natural and quick problem-solvers.
Applied Mathematics
Can't quite choose between Mathematics and IT? Then that's your pick.

"Applied Mathematics" is a blend of fundamental knowledge in Mathematics and 21st century IT technologies.

Systems and applied programming, game theory, BigData, neural networks, mobile and WEB Apps development, computer simulation techniques and much more.

If you choose this course you'll discover literally endless possibilities to broaden your knowledge: science labs, internships in IT companies (Sberbank, Yandex, ITV Group, 1C, CISCO and others), scientific and educational centres and schools, projects, contests and fellowships.
Informational Security
This particular course has a proverbially large number of competing applicants throughout the Department of Mathematics.

This course is relatively new and has tremendous potential, consequently IS specialists have highly lucrative salaries. Few of them have both sufficient experience and knowledge of all security mechanisms. It explains why those who do are so valued professionally and financially.

Informational Security experts can take their pick of employers and work in the sphere of their choice.
Information Systems Software and Administration (ISSA)
Want to be a multi-discipline expert? Then this course is made for you. At ISSA you will find out everything about information and communication technologies, computer networks and installations, programming, and Mathematics, of course.

Students of our Department can get a CISCO Networking Academy certificate, developed under the auspices of the Department of Mathematics, here at ASU several years ago.

As a graduate of this course you will be able to work anywhere – IT companies and government entities, administrate databases and corporate networks, develop new software and implement new technologies.
Business CS
Curriculum for this particular course was developed by joint efforts of Microsoft Corporation and Higher School of Economics. It meets any and all requirements of up- to-date IT Business development tendencies.

You'll become an expert in both IT and Economics.
How do I apply?
Submit your entry application. We'll book you.
We'll contact you and answer all your questions.
Submit full package of documents.
Wait for Freshmen's list.
If you'd like to find out whether studying at our Department is what you've been waiting for, we would gladly answer any and all questions you might have.
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Contact us via e-mail or phone, and we'll be happy to answer them!
Admissions Office +7 (8772) 52-13-75,
cell +7 906 438 01 32